Would you rather. . . ?


WYR kiss a lizard or a snake
Short life

WYR roller skate or ice skate
Which ever one will keep me off my butt the least :teeth:

WYR teach jazzercize or ballet

WYR raise early or sleep late

WYR have green eyes or blue

WYR have unlimited wealth, but be unhappy or be incredibly happy, but poor? :hmmmm:
happy and poor

WYR have siblings or be an only child
only child - which is what I am anyway :)

WYR rather visit the Great Wall of China or the Great Pyramids of Egypt?
me too!!
hunt with the lions or swim with the polar bears
Hmmm, that's a tough one... I like both, but I would go with swimming with Polar Bears (heck, I'm used to the cold & snow already)

WYR be stung by a bee :willy: or be bitten by a mosquito?
bitten by mosquito

WYR rollerblade or rollerskate
Ugh... neither. My hubby, Mr. All-American (He's Good @ all Sports), tried to teach me to rollerblade and I all got out of it was a bum full of bruises

WYR own a skunk or a porcupine as a pet

BTW rhon.... we "only child" people Rock! :rockon: