Would you rather. . . ?

Depends on the book, but in general...check them out.....

WYR re-use a school project or figure out a new one?
soccer mom (and I am :eek:) that's scarey :afraid:

WYR motorcyce or quad?
Never ridden a motorcycle, quads are fun

WYR have a home made meal or go out
Depends on who's cooking....:laugh:

Homemade :wink:

WYR vegetables with a sauce or butter?
sauce, if it's cheese butter if it's corn :)

WYR watch tv or listen to music
it really depends what I'm doing....:hmmmm:
On the comupter = TV, out and about = radio

WYR breaded fish or broiled?
That's hard...it's situational....but a margaherita always fits.....

WYR you pet big dog or little dog?
both, doesn't matter

WYR want the ability to fly or be able to read people's minds
hula hoop

double dutch or hopscotch