Would you rather. . . ?

is this a trick question?
Dance at a wedding and fall on the floor- at least I can play it off-act like I'm break dancing.
would you rather...
get locked in a freezer with no clothes on or get locked in a room that is 105 degrees with 3 layers of clothes on ?
105 degrees w/ 3 layers you can always take them off

camping sleep on air-mattress or cot?
perfer your fly open in public or snot hanging on your shirt
prefer snot hanging on my shirt (better than snot hanging from your fly! :yikes:)

Would you rather
- swallow a spider and be completely aware of it?
- find a spider leg under your pillow in the morning and wonder what happened? Is it still crawling around on 7 legs?
:confused:OMG...I have always dreamed of both but...

balloon, no blimp, no wait...I can't decide!!!!!!!!!!!:cry:
Next question?
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scuba dive

WYR swing from a tire swing or play on the monkey bars
a glass

WYR go swimming in your underwear or swim trunks
pasta lots of sauce

WYR have a lamp lighted room or candles