What Song Are Your Listening To?

Oh...well my comment is no longer a joke. :verysad: :tongue:

Opps! Sorry - with the question mark I thought you were looking for an explanation.......:doh:
:hmmmm2: :doh: It was meant to be a question, but was really a joke....cause I thought it was hard core rap or something. :noidea:
:hmmmm2: :doh: It was meant to be a question, but was really a joke....cause I thought it was hard core rap or something. :noidea:

hardcore?:rofl: The Backyardigans are anything but......
K J Denhert: Little Problems

I went to see her live yesterday at Googie's Lounge, upstairs from The Living Room. Great show with KJ, Kelly Flint, and a new chick named Julia Joseph.
"Sweet Home New Orleans" turning into "In a Sentimental Mood" by Dr John
Famous Last Words by My Chemical Romance

I can hear it coming out of my son's room.