walmart worker dies in black friday ~ prosecutors consider charging customers

I'm all for prosecuting these animals. I understand that the country isn't doing so well at the moment, but Black Friday does nothing but strip down the human to his primitive nature. I read that they tore down the doors to get in. I never have gone Black Friday shopping and never will. It's just not worth it to me. Yea, you saved a couple hundred on that tv you've been wanting. Well, I'd rather sleep off the food coma from thanksgiving, and starve a couple meals than enter into a violent arena with rabid animals trying to get the best deal on a pudding snack...

prosecute these ********!!! only problem is, realistically, i doubt anything is going to happen. They're trying to id people based on the security cameras, and I somehow doubt that's going to work. And those people who killed that man know who they are.

""When they were saying they had to leave, that an employee got killed, people were yelling `I've been on line since yesterday morning,'" she said. "They kept shopping.""

It's all about ME in aMErica. 1 day of waiting in line > a person's life
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If I were the manager of that Wal-Mart, I would have had that place shut down immediately and the customers forced out by police. Come on. I don't care if cooperate told me not to, I'd do it anyway and risk my job. Show some respect already. Yeah, I agree that they will probably never get anywhere with trying to I.D. the killers. Let's just hope these nutcases finally feel some guilt and suffer the rest of their lives for it. (slowly being eaten away by a conscience would be a worse fate than jail time for many, if they can just find it!)

side note: I hope whatever gadgets/toys/etc these "people" were wanting so badly break quickly/malfunction and aren't covered under warranty. :mmph:
Amen jesiah. It sounds like Wal-Mart may also be reviewing their security procedures that day.

Reading more about the incident in this article just makes me more furious. Even rescue workers were trampled. :mad:

"He was bum-rushed by 200 people," said Wal-Mart worker Jimmy Overby, 43.

"They took the doors off the hinges. He was trampled and killed in front of me...

Even officers who arrived to perform CPR on the trampled worker were stepped on by wild-eyed shoppers streaming inside, a cop at the scene said.

If you were one of those shoppers, please let the police know. You need to be accountable for your actions.
I went out once on Black Friday. I got up about 5:30, threw some clothes on and headed to WalMart. They had a Super NES for $99 and I wanted one, for myself. I could not believe how I was pushed and shoved around when they opened the doors - by little ol' grannies too. I got to the electronics in time to grab the last of 2 NES', walked up front, paid and left! I even went to another store to buy some doughnuts for breakfast - a much calmer store. This was over 15 years ago. That was the last time I went out......

Hubby and I went to the local Walmart a couple years ago - around 11 or so. It was calm and they still had plenty of the "doorbusters" and they still honored the price.
I can't even read the story, just reading your comments and imaginging what happened has my eyes tearing up. There is just so little respect for life anymore. Especially since I became a mother- I can't believe how cavalier perople can be about death, specifically when it doesn't effect them personally. But as a mom I'm always in tears. Everyone has a mom, a dad, a brother a sister a wife a child...someone who's whole life is changed by the death of someone they love. But our values and morals are so warped anymore. How many times a day do we see someone die on TV? In the name of entertainment. Great right? Why is it considered entertaining to watch someone sufffer and hurt? I'd rather watch grass grow. (OK-maybe a little overkill, and a little hypocritical because I do like to watch CSI)...but ya'll know what I'm saying. This world is just sick.