True or False game

False it's amazing..they can walk themselves lol

The next person has a trampoline and uses it
True, I am getting a dog next week

TNP changed their avatar today
False Will probably change it soon

TNP will have an animal on their next avatar.
true, probably an updated pic of my lovable mutt :confused:

tnp is scared of spiders
I can't think of any, but I'm sure I have some.

tnp has weird dreams sometimes
True- I have a reoccurring dream that my teeth are falling out.:confused:

TNP has dreamt about about something and it came true.
Not really..I call it womens intuition

The next person can sense when something real bad is going to happen
According to the other thread, I already am ;)

The next person wishes they had a super power
True- I dont' have a lot of channels to watch.

TNP is planning on watching the new season of Lost.

Tnp is planning to watch the new show Six Degrees
false. who has time for all the "new" tv anymore?

tnp is eating dessert tonight.