True or False game

true, although I heard Steve did some naughty things...:o

The next person despises Dora
false .... btw, what did steve do? i love him!

tnp prefers nick jr to playhouse disney

TNP prefers country music to rock music . ..
false....breyers mint choc chip -most preferred...;)

The next person heard that Steve was on drugs....:eek:...

TNP heard that Blue to going to be a big sister.
The 'original' Steve was born & raised not 15 minutes from me.


TNP thinks that kids watch way too much TV these days
true . . .

TNP kids play outside most of the day . .
true...I try but it's too darn hot...

The next person has whinny kids! LOL
(Is there any other kind? ):rolleyes:
he is sometimes

tnp drank some kind of soft drink today
not yet....just turning noon now....

The next person really needs to write out her/his monthly bills :rolleyes:
I've done most of mine

tnp has some mail to send off today
I soon as I write some checks :p

The next person needs a quick nap ;)
True did yard work, gonna nap in the pool

The next person used to have a pen pal when they were younger
true- from somewhere in South America

tnp hasn't written a letter in a long time
True...but I prefer to type.

TNP has awful handwriting. (I do most of the time.)
false. although i wish it was pretty... it's just not awful, ya know

tnp has sworn off something (like soda) and within a few hours regretted their decision