True or False game

Well, we had one, but I didn't get to go this year. I can't remember why.

tnp has eaten or will eat some kind of fruit today
True- I like them better raw than cooked

tnp doesn't like mushrooms
I love stuffed fried mushrooms the most!

The next person doesn't fry food much
true, but that doesnt stop me from eating fried foods outside!

the next person watches the foot network
lol, i meant food network, although i'm surprised they havent had a foot network with all the channels on cable.

bluesky said:
tnp watches a lot of TV

false, i watch tivo ;)

the next person needs a crutch

the next person is owned by Billy Banks
short to medium size, yes (slightly vertically challenged)

TNP wears high heels a lot.
False, only when I am in the mood :confused: :zip:

TNP likes going to church festivals
Sure, if it is the Greek festival at a church in Stroudsburg. Or the Blueberry festival down the road from us. Yummy food. :-) (otherwise, crotched potholders just are not my thing)

TNP likes baklava.
Faerieglamour said:
Sure, if it is the Greek festival at a church in Stroudsburg. Or the Blueberry festival down the road from us. Yummy food. :-) (otherwise, crotched potholders just are not my thing)

TNP likes baklava.
True I like baklava and greek food

**BTW it's crocheted potholders...not crotch-ed! LOL ROLFMFAO That was funny....those little old gotta watch em. ;)

The next person likes to try new food.
precocious said:
True I like baklava and greek food

**BTW it's crocheted potholders...not crotch-ed! LOL ROLFMFAO That was funny....those little old gotta watch em. ;)

LOL LOL I thought it looked odd. LOL