True or False game


TNP likes to watch "King of Queens".
false, hardly ever

TNP just got done with dinner. :hungry:
False(ate about 3 hrs ago)

TNP is having a great day! :)
True, now that you are here :)

TNP likes refried beans.
Awww, ditto sis! :hug: :kiss:

LOL True! :eek:

TNP loves Mexican food! :hungry: :druel:

TNP likes to eat out more then carry out....
So True(it's just hard finding the opportunity to do so)!

TNP likes to play boardgames.
false, not really

TNP loves her spouse dearly...:love:
True, his :birthday: is tomorrow

TNP doesn't have their birthday listed.
:birthday: Dbee's BF!! :claps:

True! :proud:

TNP always asks very personal questions. :eek: :tongue:

TNP has an extra toe on the right foot?
false :lie: :rofl:

TNP is sad that I have to get ready for bed now.
:verysad: True, but we are getting ready for bed now too. :sleep: :yawn:

TNP has their jammies on. LOL