True or False game

True.....You've been peeking, haven't you?

TNP has lied on this thread.....
Who me? :convinced: :28: :noidea: :look::theyareon :eek: LOL LOL

TNP watches too much tv.
Some of them(but not a really big fan)

TNP watches American Idol.
False. (in the past, but not this time. Too much other good stuff on!!)

TNP is renting a movie to watch tonight.
False(but sounds like a good idea)!

TNP is going to bed early tonight. :sleep:
False -- just completely played-out! :rofl: The things I do for hubby...

TNP likes Arizona Green Tea.
Hm, true. You crazy kids are wearing me out. :rofl::slug::rofl:

TNP gets an unexplainable giggle-fit from the :slug:.
:noidea: :convinced: :alien: :slug: :lock: :marshmallow: :spoofee2: :help: :eek: :rofl:

TNP has to wake up early tomorrow.

TNP may get rain :umbrella: today.
No. It is beautiful today!!!!!

TNP is cleaning up in the yard today. (I am.)
false, I expect you over to do mine when you are done with yours! :)

TNP is having a :cocktail: right now!
False(I wish--I want to be buzzed like you)!! :teeth: :claps:

TNP is going to the park today.
False....I told you I was working! I only do my own yard. Sorry.

TNP is going to "trip the light fantastic" tonight.