True or False game

True, it actually was sprayed on me.

TNP watched the News this morning.

TNP is going on a picnic this weekend cleared up for the Tragic Derby.

TNP took an afternoon nap!

TNP likes to go to the movies.
very true... getting a chance to is another story

TNP has more than one cell phone
True, but only one is activated

TNP is going to have a drink at the neighbors. (I am)

TNP will miss me because my computer is crappy and i have to turn it off because it is not working:mmph:
False.... arent you sweet.....

TNP has Windows Vista
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True...but i'm not crazy about it

TNP doesn't have a signature.
False... and I love Vista

TNP will say true or false and then say another TNP

TNP is attracted to nice people.