True or False game

True(well for now any way--a dog for keeps & a cat that we are trying to find a nice home for)! :dog: :cat:

TNP feels naked w/o perfume.
False, but I do feel that way without clothes :doh:

TNP stayed up really late last night. :34:
False--got to sleep in for a little.

TNP is in a great mood. :)
False(we're all getting leftovers tonight)! :teeth:

TNP is happy! :)
True and leftovers are always good! :)

TNP is having rainy weather, we are! :umbrella:
False(I can use my yellow to brighten things up)! :teeth: :p

TNP is going shopping tomorrow.
True, for food

TNP has a craving for Pizza. :pizza:
True, but if you want it done, sometimes you just have to do it yourself.

TNP is sometimes called Lucy?
True, December, is that soon?

TNP was already on today and is back again.