True or False game


TNP is getting really bored with cooking these days.
False this is the first week I haven't been super busy, so I'm just starting.

The next person is using vacation time soon.

TNP is going somewhere warm for the holidays.
False, I am not going anywhere for the holidays. Staying home and resting.:)

TNP wants to go somewhere for the holidays.
False...we had plans...but they fell I am happy staying home now.

TNP is wondering what the weather is actually going to do tomorrow.
Nah......I don't even check the weather in the winter months.

The next person has never made a snowman
False. :snow: :snow: :snow:

TNP is in the middle of a good book.
False don't watch MTV but I bet my kids could tell me all about it LOL

TNP has been watching all the christmas programs and movies on tv
True, but only the cartoon programs, like "Frosty the Snowman". :)

TNP doesn't watch cartoons.
True, since I joined Spoofee! (I was a sweepstakes virgin before you guys got to me!! ;) LOL)

TNP has won something from a sweepstakes.
True, I have won all kinds of things! :woot:

TNP has the tv on in the background.
False I don't turn the t.v. on until I head to bed.

The next person would be a professional couch potato...if there were such a thing. :p

TNP does a lot of community service (no, if it's been forced on you by a judge, it doesn't count!) :tongue:

TNP had a yummy dinner tonight AND didn't have to cook! LOL