True or False game

naa, its kinda boring...without any thought

tnp gives food as gifts

TNP should be doing something else other then being on the computer?
Nope! Not me. Got nothing else to do. :ignore:

TNP has an undecorated tree in their home.
False, it's up and decorated! :bigok:

TNP hasn't put their tree up yet.
False. :( But is undecorated still. Like, I said..nothing to do besides sit at the computer :o

TNP will buy something online today.
false. and the world is a better place for it! ;)

tnp loves loves loves shoes.

TNP is coming down with a cold?
False......BTW another spelling Nazi?:sus:


The next person is not really a movie buff....
Never leave home without it! :p

Winter daily attire - long coat or short jacket?