True or False game

False, unless I really care about the person doing the thinking! LOL

TNP has a slow cooker.
True, well kind of....I like historical biographies the most, but, I am also a Mystery Who Dune It Fan!

TNP belongs to a book club
False, Only one

TNP likes to watch "Friends" reruns
False! I don't watch any reality shows.

the next person watches Scrubs!

(i'm not addicted, I swear!) :theyareon
Ewww yuck. Umm that would be a negative or false.

TNP loves clipping coupons.
True! It's the un-decorating thats a chore.

TNP Already has their xmas tree up!
false, it's still in the attic

TNP is totally addicted to spoofee games.
Here you go dbee! (you addict you!) This would be totally and completely true. (although I don't know if you mean the thread games or the arcade games, in both cases it's true)

TNP has never played Spoofee arcade games.
False...and my kids love it, too! :)

TNP is headed over to the arcade right now after reading these posts! LOL
True, I didn't know they existed.

TNP likes to drink Bailey's on the rocks.
True, but I prefer Disarrono.

TNP has bought eggnog already this season!