True or False game


TNP would rather go to work, than stay home with their kids all day.

My "kid" is out of the house, and, I am blissfully RETIRED and busy spending his inheritance! LOL

TNP plans to switch jobs in the next three years.

TNP drinks green tea (hot, not the bottled stuff)
I do, on occasion. I am also fond of jasmine.

TNP wishes they could have sushi all the time.
False I don't eat it personally.

TNP is finished their Christmas shopping.
Do you eat it publicly? :confused:


The next person is having Turkey Day at their house this year.

TNP is having a lot of family from out of town over for Thanksgiving.
True and I am already "on it!"

TNP likes pumpkin pie better than sweet potato pie.
False..and I was craving a sweet potatoe pie today! :hungry:

TNP puts marshmallows on their sweet potatoes.
false.. crunchy pecan topping!

tnp doesn't like turkey
False. Me cook :rofl:

TNP is going out to eat for gobble gobble day.
False, chicken & what for desert?

The next person has eaten chicken withing the past 3 days....
True, I've a very shellfish eater...:o

The next person doesn't like to share....
False I used to be, but now I'm a mom & a wife. My family comes first.

TNP... has a piercing other than ears.