True or False game


The next person has not been to a baseball game this summer. (Im lazy)

TNP has never been to a hockey game in the past 5 years.
Does field hockey count?

All your base are belong to us. least that is what I'm told

The next person likes quoting movies
False, I'm not really good at remembering lines.

The next person has a mustache...:p
true, but it will come off in a day... along with the rest of my beard muahahha

TNP is thinking of buying a new car
ummm ... 30's, eh? well, my shoe size, in centimeters, is in the 30's ...
ah, heck, no, false, wrong, no way i'm in my 30's. okay? happy? i'm an old man.

tnp will see some live music this week (or has already seen some live music this week)
You cant avoid live music in the Quarter. Ive seen some and Ill see some more.

The next person thinks Freemasons are out to rule the world.
True, they're part of the matrix

TNP has been a member of a 'secret society'
haven't read one all summer

TNP was stuck in traffic today
didnt go anywhere today

tnp carpools to work
false, unless you count the grocery store, the mall, the drycleaners, the bank, soccer, swim lessons...etc. as work for a stayhome mom and the two little snotblasters who accompany me everywhere as fellow employees.

TNP..hmm let's spice it up...doesn't wear underwear!
False (this person doesn't sunbathe)

TNP believes that good things come to he (or she) who waits.