True or False game

False....never was a big drinker.

Tnp only drinks :cocktail: on weekends...
Whoa!! two questions!!

Lets see, I don't sing in the shower and on occasions I will have a drink during the week but mainly drink on weekends.

TNP has never been to an amusement park
False...I have been to some.

The next person thinks that a little wine helps with the whine. (at the end of an awful day) ;)
yes but not well, i just like the bending over the table thing (since i got no cop cars to do it on) :p

tnp is going to bbq this weekend
clubchick said:
yes but not well, i just like the bending over the table thing (since i got no cop cars to do it on) :p

tnp is going to bbq this weekend

We should shoot pool sometime clubby;)

No, going fishing instead

TNP has a boat
False.....been in a boat but don't own one.

TNP has been imbibing this evening.
um true... lmao..i typed "ture" and had to fix it

tnp is going to imbibe a little too much this evening
quite possibly, it has been a very very very long week. But I will try to be good. ;)

TNP has vacation plans this summer.
false. well races don't really count... except they ARE a vacation from the fam.. and a chance to dance :D

tnp drives a cool car
False-mine's a family car- Honda- I like it though

The next person has a black car
False - it's silver

TNP has family over this weekend from out of town
hey mine is silver too!!!

false.. thank GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

tnp is going away this weekend
Only to go fishing about an hour away in the sound

TNP has no idea what a sound is
peugeot sound?
oh wait... i think that's in washington

i don't know



tnp has no idea what cybersitter is
clubchick said:
peugeot sound?
oh wait... i think that's in washington

i don't know



tnp has no idea what cybersitter is

False, it's some kind of parental controll for the PC

The sound is a body of water between the mainland and the ocean here in NC only broken off by the outer banks. It is salt water without the big waves and fish, look it up sometime it's pretty unique.

TNP has a mac
ohhhh false
pc is the only way, baybeeeeeee

tnp hates PCs
Being PC, true. ;)

TNP is getting ready for bed.