True or False game

True too bad no one gets my jokes :( :tongue:

The next person has a dry sense of humor

TNP rips on themselves as much as others
False I pick on myself way more than anyone else could :tongue:

The next person is sensitive
True bonfire tomorrow night!!

The next person hasn't been to a bonfire in a few years
True, the last time I was at one they tried to tie me to the stake :eek:

The next person likes fires on the beach....
I've never seen one, but I would probably like it.

tnp went to the beach at least once this year
AYE!!! Several times

TNP went fishing this past summer
only once:(

tnp would like to do outdoor things much more often
True, but this work thing keeps getting in the way.

TNP would rather stay indoors.
False. Not if I can help it.

TNP is chewing gum.
False- an unusual day cause i actually skipped 2 meals (I don't ever do that, but I was BUSY!)

tnp is still snacking or drinking something
true....stopped snacking....just a drink

The next person had chicken for dinner..
No but ate to Thai chili chicken for lunch and it was GOOOOOD!

TNP will eat again before they go to bed