Toys R Us - Super Mario Galaxy + $25 Gift Card for $49.99 on 11/13/07

This works at Best Buy too. I just purchased Super Mario Galaxy at Best Buy for $49.99 and got a $25 GC with it.

I am going to post a new thread with this, but here is how to do it.

1. Go to Best Buy and get Super Mario Galaxy (you can pretend to purchase online ahead of time and check the pickup at store option to make sure they have it in stock but since it is reg price they should)
2. When Ringing up have Cashier Enter the Following SKU # 6867688 WITH SMG then Total. MUST SCAN GAME FIRST
3. Cashier Totals Up a Pop Up window to instruct for $25 Gift Card.
4. Walk away with game and GC.

This is a company wide thing done by BB that I found on another site. It has been confirmed by Best Buy's customer service number and the people at the register should have a printout of what to do so you most likely won't even have to tell them the above instructions. Just say you want the $25 GC deal.

The only reason I say YMMV is because there are a lot of BBs that either didn't get the memo or say they don't Price Match bundles/gift card deals and are being difficult.