This or That?

Think I will have to go with Tracey on this one since Growing Pains was my most favorite show, I was so in love with Kirk Cameron.

Alf or The Muppet Show?

(Movies) E.T. or Batteries not included?
Faerieglamour said:
Fillet Mignon

Lobster or Crab?

I must have stumped people with this question so I shall answer it myself and move on with another...


Chocolate chip or peanut butter cookies? ;)
Sorry.. I prefer crab.. You ever have Veal Oscar? OMFG.. thats my fave entree of ALL time.

I like the chocolate chips.. My dogs like the peanut butter.

Biscuits or English Muffins?
Faerieglamour said:
Chocolate chip or peanut butter cookies? ;)

chocolate chip :)

edit- biscuits :) ...and chocolate chip biscuits :D

cookie or pretzel?
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I love Cranberry English Muffins.

Cookie over pretzels... (soft and fresh oatmeal raisin)

Scone or Biscotti?
I have never had either.

cake or pie?
cam said:
I have never had either.

cake or pie?

How have you never had either a Scone or Biscotti?! Either you're on a major life-long diet, or you never been to Starbucks and other fine ;) establishments

Anyways, CAKE

chocolate or fruitcake?
chocolate of course!

With or without nuts?

( and I'm not talking about Dehawk ) :p :eek:
late to bed, rise whenever

ham sandwhich with gravy ontop or monkey vomit with camel snot LOL LOL
Well, I really wont eat ham, so.....

tougher stain to get out,
blood or skidmarks?
ewwwww skidmarks LOL you crack me up Squid LOL

berber or plush carpet?