This or That?

Both...gotta love stripey socks LOL

Sandals (ex. Birkenstocks)...with or without socks?
OMG.. without. I will laugh at you if you have sandals and socks on.

sail boat or motor boat?

With or without a life jacket?
With. You just never know what might happen.
Oh, wait, you mean swimming? Without. Boating, with.
Parasailing or Waterskiing?
I tried waterskiing and I was terrible. LOL I'll have to stick to snow skiing.

But to choose I would like to try parasailing...

Shade lover or sun lover?
Only on my tattoos to help keep them from fading.

Credit card or Debit card?
Tattoos. What, you want a list? Favorite is a Dragon, about to start work on a ... can you guess... a big honkin' squid on my left arm.

Accountant, or Turbo Tax?

**btw - small heart of roses**:o

on time or extension?
On time.

I want to hear everyone sound off about their tattoos, What is it and where is it.

Owe taxes, or get a refund (which happens to you most)
usually refund, but way behind.......extend...extend..extend....:(

on back near left shoulder.....:05:

dancer or wall flower?
Saturated Hues

We have a red dining room, sage green bedroom, forest green den, my daughter's room is a celery green... all the halls and central rooms are a form of white or beige...

Sage or Lime Green?

My kitchen is sage and stainless steel....Like you color choices...:)

natural woodwork or painted?