This or That?

um......up i guess up....(sexist question)

call or text message
Waxedstrong said:
um......up i guess up....(sexist question)

call or text message

I've seen some gents with pretty long hair is a pony tail..........

neither, email

dog or cat?
precocious said:
I've seen some gents with pretty long hair is a pony tail..........

neither, email

dog or cat?

HAHA...I guess.... Hey and remember, it is "this or that", not "this or that or whatever you want" :D

Trading spouses

juice or soda
I've never heard of dell taco so I say Taco Bell...

Tacos or burritos?
i will have to go with jeans.

"yo mama is so fat she eats wheat thicks" OR "yo mama so fat she jumped in the sky and got stuck."
yo mama is so fat she eats wheat thicks

Yo mama so fat she lay on the beach and people run around yelling Free Willy
Yo mama so fat she had to go to Sea World to get baptized

Waxedstrong....this deserves a thread of it's do it or I will...... :claps:
sea world baptism :claps:

hot and dry or hot and humid? (forgive me, i just got back from phoenix!)
hot and bothered...., I mean hot and dry...

teach a man to fish or teach a pig to sing?
well either way, you're dealing with a crude animal...
man to fish (at least i may get some dinner out of the deal!)

pick and flick or pick and roll?

okay - for the guys - electric or manual razor?

WTF - women too! ;)