This or That?

FedEx, cheaper rates for me, some of the time + they don't lose or damage as many packages

Ground, or Home Delivery?
LiveSquid said:
USPS no question

chocolate or vanilla ice cream?

OK Squid I will answer you question.

Vanilla all the way.

Chocolat or Butterscotch topping?
Aww, penpen, just when I thought you were the girl for me... give me chocolate!

I like thinner crusts.

Figure skating or speed skating?
only with pepperoni's on pizza, though.

tacos or burritos (even though they're the same thing, only wrapped differently)

With beans or without beans?
depends on the drink

Sonic or McDonald's
we don't have either of those places here. dang pa is deprived LOL

McDonald's or BK?
The nearest BK to me is an hour away so I don't get to eat there very ofter.

chicken fries or whopper?