This or That?

It depends

like to hear a joke or tell a joke
late sleeper, rising early......

land line or cell phone?
don't do lipstick, will do pale pink on the eyes :smiley:

manicure or pedicure
pedicure for the summer, too busy with the hands KWIM :wink:

pedicure....pinks or reds?
chase kids....bikes are scarey......:laugh:.....Years ago my BF (now DH) bought me a bike....I nealy killed myself going around the block....came back to him bloody with a bunch of 7 year olds laughing at me:nonod:

Only child or big family?
I have 4 girls & come from a family of 8.....That sucks about the biking incident... I love to bike ride. I wiped out last spring & once when I was 6 months pregnant with my oldest. Thought I killed her :sad:

sunrise or sunset