This or That?

clubchick said:
are we talking about hairbrushing? then gentle ;)

really bad b.o. or really bad breath?

Of course we're talking about hairbrushing

Bad Breath, you can avoid the breath easier than the whole body stinkin'

Listerene or Scope?

Target or Marshall Field's? (feel free to substitute Bloomindale's or Macy's for those of you who are not blessed to have a Field's in your area ;))
Bags? I bring my own cloth bags...

Bag your own or let them smash everything for you?
and let em smash my stuff.. i'm too lazy to do it myself

abercrombie or gap
um. neither. but i guess wal-mart

liquid fabric softener or dryer sheets?
Mr. Peanut

Gas Water Heater, or Electric Water Heater

Sarah Chalke or Lacey Gilbert (as Becky on "Roseanne")