This or That?

Numbers (I'm an engineer)

English or Metric?

(truthfully I stink at both. They taught us metric in elementary school because they said the US would be metric in a few years and then things didn't go that way and now I don't really know but the basics in eigther!)

Sunrise or Sunset?
While I lust for whole milk again, sadly it's low-fat for the whole family.

The wedding? or the Shower?
The Wedding

Blow Pop or Tootsie Pop
Kit Kat

Peanutbutter with jelly or peanutbutter cup :eek:
Reese's Peanut Cup, one of my favorites! :druel:

Domino's or Pizza Hut?
both (sorry)

Mexican food or Chinese food:hungry:
yum- sourcream

Family picture or Family reunion