This or That?

There's a farmstand near me that has killer strawberry-rhubarb conserves. Which means I'm voting "strawberry."

Freshly ground peanut butter, or prepackaged hydrogenated sweetened "peanut butter"?
Freshly ground peanut butter, or prepackaged hydrogenated sweetened "peanut butter"?[/QUOTE]

Neither.......I prefer the "Low Fat No Additives" of the Safeway brand. Tastes more like peanuts to me. Admittedly, I don't reach for the peanut butter often.

Preserves or jam?
I'd go OJ. (but I'm still trying to figure out how they make low-fat peanuts, and how they could have fewer additives than fresh ground peanut butter, and once they're done, how the concoction could taste more like a peanut than a peanut does. but maybe it's not supposed to make any sense.)

cool autumn evening, or hot summer night?
snowstorm (thunderstorms cause tornados (i live in tornado valley) snowstorms cause snowdays (i'm in junior high)

jock or stud
Hmmm this is hard - my hubby is ;)
I will pick ......


relive: high school or college years?
Apple juice (but, oddly enough, I prefer oranges to apples)

Sports car or SUV?
SUV. Since first having one, I just dont feel secure in a car anymore. Om looking at a CSUV now.

Grape juice or grape soda? .. I think Ive asked this before...
gosh. tough call. juice from an actual piece of fruit, versus heavily sugared carbonated water with a dash of artificial fruit flavoring. hmmmmm. think think think.
okay, i'll go with grape juice.

take home exam, or in school open book exam?
white flesh peaches, please.

cold tofu with shaved bonito, or steamed edamame sprinkled with sea salt?