This or That?


near sighted, far sighted or perfect eyesight?
hair off! Got a haircut that is just too short...:cry:

Show your disappointment to the hairdresser or just smile, nod & leave?
I will when it arrives in a few days! Then I can do some serious videoconferencing. I wonder who will get theirs first.

Do you smoke cigarettes?
No, but I truly love a good cigar and will nab a few while traveling!!

Pipe Tobacco or Chewing Tobacco?
to be cannibalized or have full spread centerfold in playboy/playgirl
Uhh, well, if Im already dead, I woul prolly rather cannibalization. If Im alive and youngish the spread in Playgirl. What a weirg effing choice.

If you were going to enlist, Navy or Air Force?
air force

eating a hotdog or tripe
Neither, they are gross! Yes, I have tried them.

blood sausage or any other sausage