This or That?

Dolly, hands down! Reba is too fake......

Toby Keith or Alan Jackson......Crap , too slow ..New Orleans jazz....

George or Paul?(after their breakup music) :music:
Yoko....I hear Heather will be on Dancing with the Stars :confused: lol

Heather re:Paul - for love or money??
Gin....with tonic & lime..;):cocktail:

Rum or whiskey?
Ardvarks.......I always sang that song as a kid.....

:note: everyone here has a right and left ear...but nobody here...has an ardvark! :note:

**Damn I'll be singing that for a while now:rolleyes:**

Ardvark song or row, row, row your boat? :music:
Row Row Row your boat (I live on the water!!:)

Fishing, or, crabbing?