This or That?

Shucks Joyce, you know I can't decide on food items! LOL
Guess I would go for butter!

Cardinals, or Blue Jay birds?
Blue Jays. They attack cats and its very funny.

Granola bar or Nutri-Grain bar?
how about a Milky Way bar?

milk chocolate or dark chocolate?
Both...chocolate is chocolate as long as it is good chocolate. (I can't stand cheap/waxy/awful chocolate.)

Plain chocolate or with nuts/fruit etc.?
with nuts.

Hard candy or chewy candy?
Who cares? I'd eat gummi turds if they made them. I love gummi candy.

Saltwater taffy or Laffy Taffy?
Daffy Duck (Rags wants to club Mickey Mouse with a hammer!)

Blender or Electric mixer?

the letter Q or the letter J?
Number 23, because I wish I was 23 again :)

Ribs or Pork Chops? :druel:
Eddie Bauer. At least they have an actual store near me.

grape juice or grape soda?