This or That?

neither ... cbs

Drama, comedies or reality
Suspense...I like to guess/figure it out

game shows or talk shows?
game shows... i like to guess/figure it out ;)

when it rains- go out or stay in?
I assume you mean the dishes? air dry!

beach or pool?
to swim, pool - to sun, beach

hair - towel, air or blow - dry?

use hairspray or go natural?
depends on where I am going - usually just natural

haircolor - natural or colored/highlighted
Right now, and for the last 3 years, natural. Prior to that I highlighted. I'm getting bored but don't feel like being married to highlighting again, but might soon start to highlight anyway..:rolleyes:

drastically change color or just highlight?
change it. highlights are so early 2000's :p

hot coffee or hot chocolate?
Hot tea.

Hot chocolate or hot pants? :clown:
hot chocolate in hot pants

:clown: or :evil: ? :marshmallow:
{what the heck does a dancing lock mean??} :noidea:

clubby or hawky?