This or That?

Visit a stylist and she takes my money :(

like to 'get ready' for vacation or dread it?
Lists, lists and more lists for trips.

write stuff down or print it out?
:hmm: write it down...but calendar print out

portable 'lists'..... paper or electronic
Brand name (on sale and with a double coupon) LOL

coupons or no coupons for grocery shopping?

regular grocery store or buy in bulk eg. Sam's Club, Costco?
Regular grocery store for the most part

manual or automatic transmission
we have both...manual will always be preferred.

Big car or little car?
friends....I can pick them....less nonsense ;)

Big or small family?
had siblings

were your parents married or divorced?
Still married and in love

Are you close to your parents? (not location wise)
yes but location wise very farrrr :(

are you married?
Happily married for 10 years.

kids or no kids . . .
Kids close in age or spread out?
20 months apart...and a good plan...they are best friends for now. LOL

peach cobbler or peach pie?