This or That?

Neither. Not a big sci-fi fan at all.

Harry Potter or LOTR?
There - Don't want to be here

Hardback or Paperback (Books)
Hardback if I can't wait. I'm always pre-ordering the Harry Potter books. LOL

cinnamon or peppermint?
cinnamon. peppermint is just gross. wait, i take it back. it's not bad if it's mild and sweetened. cinnamon is still better though.

big shopping mall or small, independent stores?
Big mall

Shoe store or shoe department in big store?
Shoe Store

Do your own yard work or pay someone?
Love over money but prefer both

large or small bills (cash)
large bills

get mail when mailman first comes or wait a little bit
I greet her at the door because I know she has samples for me

Lookt through the mail right away or put it up for later
look through the mail right away

is it a mailman or a mailwoman
Mail box - my Mail person sucks!! He or She never closes my mail box all the way and it falls open.

Send mail or Recieve Mail
receive mail

hate ur mailperson or love ur mailperson
Love,most of the time. The subs are never really good though.

pay bills by mail/check or online?
check/mail. that way I have definite proof that I sent it and they cashed it.

count chocula, booberry or frankenberry (you must choose one)
I'm as straight laced as they come

beat around the bush or straight to the point