This or That?

I prefer commando, al fresco, freeballin, whatever you call it.

Boxers or breifs?

Dang. I sleep commando too.

Boxers or breifs?
bikinis....could be considered more of a brief

soup or salad?

At Thanksgiving family dinner... Everyone at your house or go to someone elses house.
My in-laws are deceased and so is my Mom, my brothers usually spend it with their in-laws, so it's usually us and my sis-in-law with my Dad, depending on what he chooses to do. We usually go 'out' for Thanksgiving to a restaurant.

What are your Christmas arrangements?
always go to my grandmother's in SC with my mom's side of the family

Thanksgiving or Christmas?
Christmas! I dont get presents @ thanxgiving :confused: .

Apple pie or peach cobbler?
peach cobbler! (and why are we talking about the holidays already????)

vault or mountain dew?
Putt-putt with a date, real golf with a friend

Lemonade or Iced Tea