This or That?

I like any size fires. I dont really eat fries.

cat toy: laser or catnip mouse?

brussel sprouts or twinkie?

hot model or average joe/jane
sea salt

oven bake brownie or bathroom brownie?
bathroom brownie

back hair or uni-brow
several meanings, one of them being a hanging booger

open fly

b.o. or ranch flavored doritos

Know what I like? When I have a booger and I pick it, and its attached to a long stringy piece and I can feel it snake through my nasal passages. I love that.

vomiting or diarrhea? (would you rather be sick with)

Jeffrey Dahmer or Michael Jackson
As a neighbor? Dahmer.
As a friend? Jackson.
As a babysitter for my 7 year old nephew?

Fruits or Vegetables?
Whats the difference besides the language? They both spin it. If I understood Arabic, Id watch both.

mannequins: with nipples or without?