One of the reasons why i am not allowed to see Maddie is because my ex-MIL does not like me.She has a bipolar disorder and when she hasn't taken her medicine,she is a nightmare to everyone.My daughter Nikki,who lives with us,has been subjected to grandma's outbursts.She threw a full bowl of hot soup at Nikki,and missed.We(my husband and i)have also been subjected to her outbursts.
So my daughter Amanda,Maddie's mom just will not let me see her.My mom thinks Maddie is fine where she is.Excuse Me!???
Me thinks not!!!!My daughter signed Maddie over to my ex-MIL because she would rather drink everynight,than to teach Maddie how to read,or potty train her,and even wean her off of her nighttime bottle and put her on a sippy cup.
Maddie will tell anyone,that when she has pooped,"i stinky" and can actually take her own diaper off.