The Rep Game

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I got 8 of you before the rep nazis captured me! Unfortunately, I can't remember who, but I think I got druvans, tazman, dbee, kalina, bigdaddy (i think), and a few more, I just had a major head injury, give me some credit for remembering this many, LOL

:clap::angel::itsme::captain::star: :alberteinstein: :cheer2: :fish: :vroam::party: I really like these new smilies!
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Got Ultimate, BD, SunB, Kalin so far...we have our first snow storm of the season!! WHOOHOOO I ain't going anywhere any time soon!
Ok got all I could... even went to page 1 and got a shoe loving spoofeer :teeth: of course then they decided I have gave out to much and put me on a 24hr rep :ban:

oh well see ya in 24 :party::bolt:
:bawling: what's up with not being able to rep anyone :yikes:
I go to other posts, rep folks, then come back to this thread! If I try to rep people from the "Rep Thread" I get nuttin!! However, must be the ice storm that blasted us last night, I was only able to give out reps to four folks!! See ya all tomorrow!
Wow, repped only Propelissa and then it said I needed to wait 24.

Anyone figure out how many you are allowed to rep and how often? Or is it a random choice by the Spoofee Rep Gods


Rep Daddy is the acting rep-god for now. You could PM him/her to increase your daily quota to 10 (max allowed), most are struggling to find 10 users per day
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