The Rep Game

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:bawling: I didn't get any reps today

I was able to give them though. I got Druvans, wnl, psycho, sunbeam and spice :boring:
Trying to hit the 2000 mark by Sunday night!:teeth: Tried to get you dbee but gotta spread some rep first.
Why do some reps show as blue and others green in the control panel?
I got 10 of you before the rep nazis took me prisoner! if you didn't get a (REP rep REP rep REP rep REP rep REP rep REP rep REP rep REP rep REP rep REP rep REP rep REP rep REP GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!) rep from me, it's because they make me spread the love around, stinkin nazi's, wee need to form an alliance or something and overthrow the rep nazi!! :yesnod: :teeth: :clap:
Trying to hit the 2000 mark by Sunday night!:teeth: Tried to get you dbee but gotta spread some rep first.
Why do some reps show as blue and others green in the control panel?

on the side over here it means your either online here or offline here...

I only got to rep 2 people....oh great spoofee gawds please release me!!!:argh:
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Spice, Ultimategrafx, Mirancat and that was all I could do.
Edit: Mirancat I pushed you to 1005, now you gotta update your header under your avatar to trying to hit rep 2000:lol:
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Managed to rep ten of you but, had to "go around Robin's Barn" to carry it out!! :rant: I thought that since I have been gone for over a week, I should have all the "saved up reps" and could have used them!! Arggghhh. Hope you all are having a great to do my laundry from the trip. I should buy paper clothes.:mmph:
I could only get 3 of you before I was cut off. :tee:I got rags, starbinks and rain.
Got ragnarok, psychobutterfly, rainstorms, druvans. The rep police must have went to sleep because I could not rep any of you earlier today.
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