The Friday night thread

Would that be cornbread and butter fingers? LOL
Still yes.......They were good, too......
Did you get those butterfingers while you were trick or treating? LOL
More tricking than treating.............
......but were you in disguise? :eyebrows:
You like Bob Welch?


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Not with cranberry juice it's not. It's tastes like cheese cake. What do you have against vanilla? LOL
Vanilla? Nothing. I have something against putting someone else's tongue in my mouth and vice versa. GROSS!! I dont want to drink anyone's spit!
I watched the "Gold Dust Woman" video w/ Nicks & Welch...never seen it before, not bad!
Come on over to my house...

I have a few bottles of fine New Zealand wine...
I am 100% sure i originally created this thread.