Starbucks Buy 1 Get 1 Free Holiday Beverage 2pm-5pm

Starbucks at NO POINT IN TIME said they are against guns. No RELIABLE record of it. And if you support the defunding of planned parenthood, then you are AGAINST women getting health exams that normally they can not afford. Planned parenthood does ALOT MORE than abortions you know. Seriously, expand you narrow ass minds a little bit.
And for the guy complaining about having 'religion specific' drinks? Really? You're a little bit racist, huh? Because everything should be segregated, right? Dumbass.
I do not support the liberal, Obama kissing rubbish at this corporation called Starbucks.
Seems they have a 5 minute leeway when I was in line at 4:55pm. Ordered drinks for me and my family at 5:02 and by the time the guy after me ordered, it was 5:05 and the Barista told him it was over.
I love how all of the negative comments are almost always a 'Guest'... It's nice to hide, isn't it. Anyways, I'm not a huge coffee drinker, but Starbucks coffee isn't the best, and it's not that bad. If you don't like it, go away! You want to b*tch and whine? Go see your mom or dad so they can tell you to go away. Jeez. Have religious problems, etc? Go to your local church and stay there, pray that your religious entity can help you be a normal human.
People are dying around the world ( terrorist attack, hunger, diseases...etc) & the hypocrite 'Christians' are fussing about 'CUPS' & 'anti-gay marriages'
Deal is back again for 2016!
Some of these drink names are ridiculous. (Spiced Sweet Cream Narino 70 Cold Brew, and Holiday Spice Flat White)
No thanks, this company's liberal views are a cancer on our society, Look how their own home of Seattle is melting down because America rejected them. I'll stick with Dunkin Donuts instead of contributing to the wealth of people who hate the majority of Americans..
what a joke. YOU are the cancer of our society. don't impose your beliefs on others you nut job. and over coffee?? get some help. PS, I prefer DD, for the taste.
Here’s one, on 11/13 @ 2pm in Augusta Ga (exit 199), I order a pair of holiday coffees and when asked Name I said Trump, cashier said No! I said Yes, I’m customer, your worker, its TRUMP, I had several Hilary fan workers attention, what a joy, I can only assume they were off to a protest after their shift.
writing names on the cups is a company recommendation. optional, not a requirement. so that barista either didn't care as much as you hoped, or you got a little extra holiday cheer in your cups (spit). what a joy indeed.
Deal is back for this year! Happy Holidays!
Anti-gun, pro-gay and pro-terrorist company...wouldn't take a free anything from this horrible company.