So What's The Deal????? **another game**

dover. as in ben dover... which is what i'd be doing if i passed along my last name online :p

did you ever call off an engagement?
Not well enough to speak

Do you think immigrants should learn English or do you think we should adapt(like we are doing)

I know, sensitive subject but I am askin ne way
learn english
** don't worry about sensitive questions, i'm thick skinned**

do you think schools should emphasize college prep or ROP more?
I think College prep like a class in how to handle alcohol;)

Did you graduate from college?
Yes. I also have a Masters. (shocking isn't it?)

What's your favorite memory of high school?
Knocking an opposing teams best soccer player out of the game with no penalty or injury. It literaly won us the game.

How long have you been going to spoofee?
Don't have one, don't see any need.

What do you use your homepage as or what is it???
lol i meant when you click "home" on your IE or Netscape
but anyway, i use yahoo 360 to blog

have you ever sold anything on ebay
no- I only buy on ebay

Are you planning to go to bed soon?
Nope just got home from work, slept most of the afternoon

Do you eat a sunday breakfast out with the family
Not usually because I work on Sundays.

Do you work the same days and hours every week or does your schedule change?
Schedule changes often

Do you usually always work every weekend
Every Sunday and it kinda sucks, but it is nice to have time off during the week.

Do you work more than 40 hrs. a week?
I am on call 24/7 for the most part. I might only actually work 30-40 hours per week, but I am away from home alot

Do you figure your own Federal income tax forms or pay to have someone else figure it for you
H and R Block I am a dummy when it comes to that kind of stuff

Do you enjoy housework?
I don't like getting started, but after I'm doing it, I do.

Which household job is your least favorite?