So What's The Deal????? **another game**

I liked my My Little Pony collection

Do you still have any of your toys from your childhood?
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I have a lot of my bros and mine that my little boy now plays with

Do you get headaches often?
I get migraines but not too often

Do you take asprin for headaches or let it go on it's own?
asprin for headaches

Does everybody like the dog avatar?
Nope.....I have a friend that does and it's always problematic :confused:

Who's your cell phone company and are you happy with them?
No, not really....I registered it with the 'do not call list'....don't know if that's why.

How much is your monthly cell bill? (for one phone)
Mine is corporate, I dont pay for it. Cant beat that deal with a stick.

How much is your power bill in the mild months?
This a/c use....$425.00 electric only....:rolleyes:

Your power source(s)....we have gas and electric (natural gas cook & heat)...what do you have?
Ouch! I'm 100% electric - but you already knew that :rolleyes:

do you prefer to cook with gas or electric burners? I love gas burners.
Whatever gets the food done

Do you run fans in your house in the summer?
Gas....I didn't really start to cook until I got my Thermador....:o

I got this one....

Dang! JMB you beat me.....

Yes I run ceiling fans and fans as well to keep costs down.

Are you hooked up to 'city sewer' or septic system?
City. and they charge me for recycling, but they never gave me a bin, even after I asked for one!

Whats your ideal first date?
something very laid back so you can get to know each other (not a movie cause you can't talk much)

What's something fun you've done on a date before?
HHHHMMMMM:hmm: :hmm: :hmm: :hmm:

I'd rather not say :o :o

Do you like to date taller people or shorter people
taller. but not TOO much taller. i like a guy i can look in the eyes when i'm wearing heels.

who was your first celebrity crush?
MacGyver the man can fix a boat w/ gum!!! OMG He's 56..he still looks good.

Do you still have crushes?
Of course. Who doesn't?

When was your last crush? :confused: