So What's The Deal????? **another game**

sometimes-we have to push mow so I have to be in the mood

Do you have trees in your yard?
spoofee12 said:
Do you love Big Daddy?;) :zip:

We all love BD here! ;)

Next question from Bluesky above

Do you have trees in your yard?
Butty does, I dont.

Do you like to be next, or have it be your turn now. (I like to be next.)

So, Chooch, what exactly is uncute about the puppy avatar? Its the cutest one ever!
I like being next

Are you someone that likes being the center of attention?

As for the question to Chooch- he was talking about a diamond ring she had changed it to a few minutes ago- nice ring, but the dog is adorable
Only when drunk or pulling for my team on the sidelines

Are you a pushover or softspoken??
I can be, though I'm not always

Do you take too much crap from people?
Ha ha ha. NO. I am neither softpoken nor a pushover. In my younger years Ive taken enough crap that I refuse to take anymore.

Do you ever just want to curl up and hide?
:rolleyes: What do you think??? :clown: Now where's the challenge in that???? :confused:

Do you open mouth to "change feet " ? :o
Nope. I say what's on my mind.

Are you a leader or a follower?
I can be either depending on the situation.

Do you prefer silver or gold jewelry?
Usually just earrings and sometimes a necklace- I even hate wearing my wedding ring because I broke that finger a while back and it swells and hurts still

Do you have a planner or calendar that you write down things to remember/appointments in?
Yes, my cell phone and a wall calender.

When are you going to the dentist?
The next time they send me a reminder card

Do you go to the dentist at least twice a year?
Yes, I don't floss enough and the dentist can be brutal on my gums. I just haven't learned my lesson yet!!:(

TNP rides a bicycle for enjoyment