So What's The Deal????? **another game**

3, used to be a 4 bedroom but they took one out and made the master bedroom really big.

How many bathrooms do you have?
I share with the husband

How many piercings do you have?
2 - just my ears....;) (1 in each) :)

What is the material & color of your car's interior?
Burgundy, with a few rips in it. I'm not sure of the material though.

When was the last time you cleaned your car out? :hmm:
I keep the car clean, anything that goes in comes right out before I leave the car.

Do you hand wash or go to the car wash
What year is it now?....LOL Not since waaaay before school ended (and that was out of necessity, it had to go into the shop!) :rolleyes:

Oh well, Crazybutt beat me........

Usually let the kids wash it (multi-tasking - they get clean too! :angel: )

When is your car inspection due?
Never-There hasn't been a car inspection program here since the 1970's...

Do you have a pollution test in your state? (we use to, but it ended too)
daredevil said:
Never-There hasn't been a car inspection program here since the 1970's...

Do you have a pollution test in your state? (we use to, but it ended too)

Do you mean emissions test? (That's what it is called here.) If so, certain areas in PA have it but not all of the state requires it.

When are you going to do that thing you've been meaning to do? (and what is it?)
I am going to do my laundry tonight.

How many toes do you have??
Is this a trick question?- I have 10.

Do you fold clothes right after washing and drying them or let them sit awhile before you get around to folding them?
I have's for looks

Do you look at yourself everytime your in the bathroom? With the mirror that is.
No sometimes getting the job done is too urgent

What do you use to freshen the air in your place e.g. Candles, pug ins, air spray etc..
Don't always use stuff- sometimes I light candles, but not really often

Do you have clutter in your house or is it spic and span?
not with everything, but I am with some things

Do you still wear the same size clothing that you did in highschool?
Good Lord, I wish, but alas....No.

What talent would you like to have (or if you are already blessed with a talent, what is it?)