So What's The Deal????? **another game**

constantly tells me he loves me and I'm beautiful (even when I look AWFUL) and always gives lots of hugs and kisses (he's way more affectionate than I am)- he also gives me alone time when I want it (he takes my son to play golf)

What does your spouse/partner do that drives you crazy?
well he's a man, so what doesn't he do :rolleyes:

what one food would you be willing to eat every meal for the rest of your life?
anything chinese :rolleyes:

Clubby, you've been hanging with me too long :rolleyes: :p :secret: I think bluesky could be converted too! :rolleyes: :p :p

What do you do with your 'alone time'?
Big Daddy!!! THE RULES!!!!THE RULES!!!! :rolleyes: ;)

Where's the answer??????

BTW, my answer....

With 4 kids.....I haven't seen 'alone time' since.....19......93????

Do you miss the 'old you'?
yeah, a little bit...sometimes

BTW- I totally understand the man thing- my husband does PLENTY that drives me crazy too!!!

Do you look much different than you did in highschool/college?
Yes....I no longer wear glasses(surgery), i keep my hair short(instead of shoulder length), and i dont wear that Leisure Suit anymore!!:eek: :eek:

Did you ever have a regret that turned out later being a blessing?:)
(I have)
Getting pregnant with my little boy before I was married and still in college was a huge regret (I was devastated), but it's all turned into a huge blessing!

What is your biggest regret?(not finishing college, having kids too young, whatever:))
daredevil said:
Yes....I no longer wear glasses(surgery), i keep my hair short(instead of shoulder length), and i dont wear that Leisure Suit anymore!!:eek: :eek:

Show us that leisure suit!!
Surely you Jest! Like i would still have that old thing still around???

Mine was a navy blue with a black silk shirt......:eek:
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Not finishing my education......perhaps someday I will...:rolleyes:

If you were stuck on an island....:p......what one candy would you want to have with you?

If you were secluded again :rolleyes: which Spoofer would you take w/ you and why?
Butty of course. She's cRaZy! ;)

Do you like rules? :rolleyes:
Yes........flexible ones. Without rules, there would be no direction and total chaos. Rules are necessary.;) :rolleyes:

Do you like enforcing rules? :rolleyes:
depends on the scenario ;)

did you ever serve detention in school?
Once because I wouldn't go home and change my clothes.

What type of kid were you in high school?
Very quiet and shy (like now).:o

What was your favorite HS class (besides study hall, lunch and gym)?
I took it all through high school and I really miss it!

Who was your favorite teacher in HS and why?