So What's The Deal????? **another game**

I'm more of a baker than Cheesecake

Did you cook your dinner today
yes i did cook my dinner today

did u go shopping for clothes
not today-but I did this past weekend

What day of the week do you normally get groceries?
Medium rare, nice and bloody

Do you agree that, as far as food goes, the messier the better?
Sure- lots of messy foods are yummy (spaghetti, chocolate when it melts, cheetos-all over your fingers:))

Do you like to use bar soap or body wash?
OK I know I posted to this once before but I'm bored so...

Bar soap to shave and body wash to wash

Do you take long showers?
Oh YOU take long showers?????;)
Whatever ;) this means. I take a shower long enough to get done what I have to get done ;) lol

Do you use an dandruff shampoo?
Free..;) I like to switch off...Fructise (sp?), pert, etc....

What shampoo is your least favorite?
Anything that doesn't smell really good

What is your favorite magazine?
Better Homes and Gardens

Do you have/keep magazines in your bathroom?
No, I focus on getting the job done:o

Do you use one ply or two ply TP?
I am later when I get home

TNP is going swimming today
JMB27 said:
I am later when I get home

TNP is going swimming today

Um..wrong game poor thing you're on Spoofee overload.

It's raining so no I am not going swimming.

Is it raining where you are?
f*ing 99 degrees... no sign of rain

what was the best part of your day?
Hasn't happened yet...THEY are still awake:zip:

What's for dinner?
I ate with 3 girlfriends. We had LOTS of veggies and chicken in a stir-fry and pasta, bread and fruit with pound cake- It was pretty good!

Do you snack at night?