So What's The Deal????? **another game**

Eating cat food when I was 5. (That's the craziest thing I'll admit to). I had to tell my babysitter because it was awful and it wanted to get the taste out of my mouth.

What is the strangest food you have ever eaten?
seaweed rolls. When I was in fifth grade our teacher had gone to Japan, and she brought them back for the class to try. They were so nasty!!!Gives me shivers just thinking about it.

Who would you most like to meet (famous person) and why?
Toby Keith,..........honest, has conviction, what ever he does is not done half way. And surely not bad on the eyes either. ;)

whoopsie, forgot the new question

What is the silliest thing you've ever heard come from a young child?
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A. My little sister misquoted pinnochio for almost a year. she'd tap her wand on our shoulders and say "you must be brave, honest, and a shellfish, and someday you will be a real boy." There was nothing in the world that would convince her that the blue fairy had said "unselfish"!

Q.What part of your life brings you your greatest joy?
A. The things that bring me the greatest joy in life are hands down, my lil' monsters! (my 2 boys ages 5yrs and 2yrs)

Q. Whats the strangest dream you've ever had?
strange dreams??

:confused: arent all dreams strange? i guess my strangest one is the one with the giant waterslide which travels all through our town.
okay so i am strange.

ques: fav season and why? :sun:
springtime- warm enough for shorts, but not sweltering.. fresno gets up to 105-110 generally for a few days during the summer. it's terrible.

favorite type of weather?
Love this time of year (late Spring) in NC. It's very mild, nice weather. I did miss the snow for the past 2 years though. We haven't had ANY!!

What's your favorite outdoor activity?
Favorite outdoor activity: Camping! I love being outdoors!

Favorite ice cream flavor?
chocolate chip cookie dough or mint

Favorite snack?

Whats the most fun job you ever had?
never had a fun job really-unless you count stay-at-home mom(which I do now-and substitute teach some)

Did you go to college and if so, where?
Traditional College no althought I had checked out Cazenovia and wanted to go there in the worst way. I ended up a few years back doing University of Pheonix Online but thanks to income being cut back, that is on the back burner again.

Did you have a favorite subject in school and if so, what was it?
English (Grammar) because it came very naturally- also, loved the sciences-didn't like math so much, but I did okay- PE was my favorite "not real" subject

What is your favorite leisure activity?
Economics was my favorite subject.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Hopefully in a more secure financial situation, life not so crazy, looking at my husband & kids with pride and smiling...:)

Describe an avereage day 10 years from now.........:hmm:
Since by then I will be a bazillionairre....

My staff of fifty will be preparing my home for the morning ritual of waking me up. My personal assistant #1, aka PA1 (there are so many, I am not sure I can remember ALL of their names), wakes me and my husband with our morning hot chocolate. PA2 is drawing a bath for me while PA 3 is drawing a bath for my husband. PA4, a really hunky male, bathes me amongst the bubbles. PA 5, a hottie female, bathes my husband...yes, he loves this part of the day. PA6 strolls through my immense closets with costly clothing and chooses something stylist to place on my extremely toned body (thanks to PAs 10-14 who are personal trainers). After I am dressed, I proceed down to breakfast where PAs 7 and 8 are preparing a delightful array of delectable foods. At this point, my 18 year old, 16 year old and 11 year old arrive at the table. Their personal assistants #40-50 helped get them ready this morning. PA 9 places the soundproof shield between us "the parents" and any complaints and/or sassy comments made by teenagers in the room. The children head off to school and prepare for another day of education. Throughout the day, PAs 15-39 do all of the chores for our home. My husband and I spend the day just enjoying being together without the worries of housework! Our children would come home and we would enjoy having family time together....
Fantasy land?!?!? It COULD happen :tongue:

NEW QUESTION: If you were given a chance to do something over in your life, what would it be and why?
I'd have gone to the college I had wanted to rather then just givening up because of being told "no don't need college". I wouldn't change having kids but I sure would change the events prior to having them.

Who's your closest friend and what makes them your closest friend?
My best friend of 19 years(darn, I'm old). She has been there for me through the good & bad, always there to listen to me or a shoulder to cry on, never giving up on me.

If you could have a dinner party and invite 10 guests past or present, who would they be?
My 10 famous guests would be...

1. Jesus (He could definitely clear alot of stuff up!)
2. Ronald Reagan
3. James Earl Jones
4. Benjamin Franklin
5. Mother Teresa
6. Thomas Jefferson
7. Clara Barton
8. Robert E. Lee
9. Patrick Henry
10. Thurgood Marshall

NEXT QUESTION: Is there a song that reminds you of a specific event in your life? If so, what is the song and what was the event?