So What's The Deal????? **another game**


How are you feeling today?
Despite my to-do list, I'm pretty chill. Thanks for asking!

What was the last "crafty" thing you made?
Right now it would be gardening :flowers:

When was the last time you told someone that they were special?
I let my kids know that they are special everyday. :love:

What are you doing this weekend?
Going out of town to see my friends that I haven't seen since my life started going bezerk last summer! I'm so excited!

When was the last time you went out of town?
It was a couple months ago. It was to Chicago :driver:

Would you ever want to own a motorcycle?
Used to, needed a lot of :cocktail: and disco music

Are you afraid to fly?
Many many times, but not enough!

What's your favorite amusement park?
DORNEY PARK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

whats ur fav cartoon past or present :questionmark:
"I Dream of Jeanie"
Gosh, I haven't seen it in years!

How old were you when you got your first (non-related person) kiss?
I guess about 10, spin the bottle I think :noidea:

Have you ever had a hickie that wasn't on your neck?
Yes! :o

Have you ever hid a hickey from your parents when u were a teen? :peep: :spy:
Probably, I remember wearing a scarf :rofl:

Would you enjoy going for a bike ride through your old neighborhood where you grew up?
I sure would! :claps: My mother still lives there. :)

Do you live far from where you grew up?
About 20 miles

Did you ever go to your Highschool reunion?
Just a couple of years ago

Did you go to your prom?