So What's The Deal????? **another game**

Anything Chocolate of course....

What kind of work do you do?
I sell horse products

What kind of truck to you drive?
All of them! I'm a huge animal lover!

If you could live anywhere in the world other then where you live now where would it be?
just one.

if you won the lottery what is the first thing you would buy?
a private island!!!!!!!

what age do you wish you could stay forever?

What woud you do while you are staying this age forever?
become rich and then slack off for the rest of my li....wait it wont end....Ill slack off while trying to cure cancer :confused: (and video games of course)

Favorite Car
Audi A3 (I want one so bad!)

What was your favorite band growing up?
no, give it time though

Ever had a bad car wreck?
Me, Arnold Schwarzenegger :claps:

are you a virgin?